lunes, febrero 28, 2005

Kamix home page

Kamix home page

Si estas aburrido del Kmix del KDE, no dudes en probar este excelente mezclador, especialmente para la gente que usa ALSA Y KDE, esta totalmente diseñado para complementar a los drivers de ALSA.

xine - A Free Video Player

xine - A Free Vi2222Player

debian : apt-get install xine-ui - CreativeAudioPCI128 ALSA - No midi playback? - where Linux users come for help - CreativeAudioPCI128 ALSA - No midi playback? - where Linux users come for help: "pcm.my_card { type hw card 0 mmap_emulation true } pcm.dmixed { type dmix ipc_key 1024 slave { pcm 'my_card' # rate 48000 # period_size 512 } } ctl.asymed { type hw card 0 } pcm.dsnooped { type dsnoop ipc_key 2048 slave { pcm 'my_card' # rate 48000 # period_size 128 } } pcm.asymed { type asym playback.pcm 'dmixed' capture.pcm 'dsnooped' } pcm.pasymed { type plug slave.pcm 'asymed' } pcm.dsp0 { type plug slave.pcm 'asymed' } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm 'asymed' } ctl.!default { type hw card 0 }" - how to share audio output? - where Linux users come for help - how to share audio output? - where Linux users come for help: "pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
slave {
pcm 'hw:0,0'
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 8192
rate 44100

bindings {
0 0
1 1

pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm 'dmixer'

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm 'dmixer'

pcm.default {
type plug
slave.pcm 'dmixer'

ctl.mixer0 {
type hw
card 0
} "

jueves, febrero 24, 2005 -> [PES4] WE90 1Q 2005 -> [PES4] WE90 1Q 2005

EasyTAG - Tag editor for MP3...

see also:
madman - Music Software - Music Software: "eMusic Tag Editor v2.70
WMA (WMV, ASF), MP3(ID3v1.1, ID3v2.4, VBR),
OGG, VQF, AAC, Monkey's Audio, MPEG

Al-jazeera sport online::VER

Al-jazeera sport online

miércoles, febrero 23, 2005

Audioscrobbler :: Development - Streaming API

Audioscrobbler :: Development - Streaming API

script en perl

script en python

martes, febrero 22, 2005

Pa comé



lunes, febrero 21, 2005

ALSA :: (FAQ,dmix,...)

dmix plug-in
googleando problema
ALSA dmix en amarok

viernes, febrero 18, 2005 Hacks for Smart Homes Hacks for Smart Homes - Making non-antialiased fonts looks nice. - where Linux users come for help - Making non-antialiased fonts looks nice. - where Linux users come for help Automation Browse project tree - Topic :: Home Automation

Deberia revisar esto y a partir de algun producto tendremos como montar algon interesante

MythTV Setup and Install::Enlaces

AnandTech: Building a Linux PVR Part I - MythTV Setup and Install

MythTV and Gentoo GNU/Linux

.:Fedora Myth(TV)ology:.

jueves, febrero 17, 2005



ClamWin Free Antivirus. GNU GPL

ClamWin Free Antivirus. GNU GPL Free Software Open Source Virus Scanner. Free Windows Antivirus. Stay Virus Free with Free Software.

Debian -- mp3gain

Debian -- mp3gain

jueves, febrero 10, 2005

fps ATI Radeon 9200SE con DRI :: Ojito

Nuevas pistas y un enlace para configurar la tarjeta del todo bien.
fps ATI Radeon 9200SE con DRI

[Mini-COMO] Tarjeta gráfica ATI y Xfree

miércoles, febrero 09, 2005�KSplashManager (was Splashman)�KSplashManager (was Splashman)

amaroK - the audio player for KDE

amaroK - the audio player for KDE: "arrived"

martes, febrero 08, 2005

Re: KDE does not start after upgrade

Re: KDE does not start after upgrade


esdebian - Configuraci�n de Debian post instalaci�: "#deborphan

Esto les da una lista de las librer�as que no tien uso o est�n hu�rfanas, para eliminarlas de un solo tiro:

#deborphan | xargs dpkg --purge
#apt-get clean

Para eliminar un paquete, he encontrado que la mejor manera, es:

#dpkg --purge
#apt-get clean

Al final del d�a, uso:

#apt-get clean"

Modeline :: XF86Config(5) manual page

XF86Config(5) manual page: "ModeLine 'name' mode-description
This entry is a more compact version of the Mode entry, and it also can be used to specify video modes for the monitor. is a single line format for specifying video modes. In most cases this isn't necessary because the built-in set of VESA standard modes will be sufficient.

The mode-description is in four sections, the first three of which are mandatory. The first is the dot (pixel) clock. This is a single number specifying the pixel clock rate for the mode in MHz. The second section is a list of four numbers specifying the horizontal timings. These numbers are the hdisp, hsyncstart, hsyncend, and htotal values. The third section is a list of four numbers specifying the vertical timings. These numbers are the vdisp, vsyncstart, vsyncend, and vtotal values. The final section is a list of flags specifying other characteristics of the mode. Interlace indicates that the mode is interlaced. DoubleScan indicates a mode where each scanline is doubled. HSync and -HSync can be used to select the polarity of the HSync signal. VSync and -VSync can be used to select the polarity of the VSync signal. Composite can be used to specify composite sync on hardware where this is supported. Additionally, on some hardware, CSync and -CSync may be used to select the composite sync polarity. The HSkew and VScan options mentioned above in the Modes entry description can also be used here."

lunes, febrero 07, 2005


Feb 4 23:09:55 virgita kdm_config[8862]: Unrecognized key 'GreeterPosFixed' 'GreeterPosX' 'GreeterPosY' y 'SessionTypes' in section [X-*-Greeter] at /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc


Copia de seguridad de archivos al cerrar debian

Deberia realizar un script que se ejecute al cerrar el debian que me meta en un tgz los archivos de configuracion. Asi tener un backup de estos archivos para que no pase algo como lo del usuario moiapache con, al menos, el archivo .bashrc, que me ha dejado perplejillo.

viernes, febrero 04, 2005

ALSA firmware 0000209 : Sometimes XMMS stop playing songs dmix used

ALSA firmware 0000209 : Sometimes XMMS stop playing songs dmix used : "ls -l /dev/dsp"

ALSA en spanish "cambio"

Por f�n! drivers ATI para AMD64 | Badopi

Probar esto por si acaso

Por f�n! drivers ATI para AMD64 | Badopi: "si todo ha ido bien, un lsmod deber�a mostrar el driver fglrx. Ahora podemos reiniciar las X, ejecutamos fglrxinfo y ... sopresa! seguimos usando Mesa para el OpenGL!!! pues nada, a arreglar eso:

Chapuza temporal: ejecuta esto en una teminal:

export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/

ahora todo lo que lances desde esa terminal usar� acelarci�n gr�fica.

Modo permanente y 'm�s mejor':
Haz un simlink de /usr/X11R6/lib64 a /usr/X11R6/lib de nuevo"

ATI Radeon Linux How-To

ATI Radeon Linux How-To:
Una de las cosas pendientes
"ln -s kernel-source-2.X.X linux #this way you will link your new sources with the expected sources directory. If /usr/src/linux exists you can delete the link: rm /usr/src/linux"

miércoles, febrero 02, 2005


mkm (moi cam)

Mas info sobre el plugin de xdtv

Xawdecode, no reconece los plugins

Paquetes necesarios
En mi caso al tener Fedora Core 3 no fue necesario la instalacion de estos drivers, pero es casi obligatorio tenerlos instaldos y configurados perfectamente
Tambien son Importante tenerlos instalados y configurados (por aqui hay una buena guia)
-plug-m-2.0.5.tar.gz <----Este el mas rarilo de encontrar y muy importante puedes descarlo de aqui
parece que este es PALl

Para el plugin tener xdtv-dev
make PREFIX=/usr
make install
y hacer al inicial:
xdtv -plugin /usr/local/lib/xdtv-plugins/

Guia para descodificar y grabar Canal con GNU/Linux

Guia para descodificar y grabar Canal con GNU/Linux: "xawdecode"

Plugins Xawdecode/XdTV

Forum D�velo:Voir le sujet - Plugins Xawdecode/XdTV

Debian -- paquete webcam

Debian -- webcam captures images from a video4linux device like bttv, annotates them and uploads them to a webserver using ftp or ssh in an endless loop.

Como configurar una webcam en debian, desde el principio:

webcamXP :: ¿Que tal irá esto?

webcamXP :: home

martes, febrero 01, 2005

Salida xdtv

xdtv xdtv_cmd xdtv_scantv xdtv_wizard
xdtv_alevt-cap xdtv_v4l-conf


This is xdtv 2.0.1 running on Linux/i686 (2.6.10-1-k7).
scandir: No such file or directory
filename = /home/moi/.xdtv/xdtvrc
WARNING: Your X-Server has no DGA support.
WARNING: couldn't find framebuffer base address, try manual
configuration ("xdtv_v4l-conf -a ")
Warning: Cannot convert string "fileSelectorView" to type Widget
Warning: Cannot convert string "fileSelectorView" to type Widget
wmhooks: netwm detected
wmhooks: netwm state above supported
wmhooks: nothing found...
VidMode: server=2.2, include=2.2
available video mode(s): 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480 1280x1024 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 832x624 800x600 700x525 640x512 640x512 640x480 576x432 512x384 512x384 512x384 416x312 400x300 400x300 400x300
No XvVideo port available.
No XvImage port available with yuyv format.
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:868:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:812:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream
WARNING: video memory base unknown, may be caused by a problem
with xdtv_v4l-conf or a non-availability of DGA
and frame buffer devices: CLASSICAL OVERLAY IS DISABLED !
snd_mixer_open: Permission denied
MMX, AMD MMX extensions, 3DNOW, have been detected.
Method mmxext_64K

divx_init: initializing ffmpeg libavcodec version 1032 (build 4680)
data partitioning not supporetd by codec
divx_init: couldn't open (null) codec
Recording stopped Tue Feb 1 21:55:08 2005
recording time = 1107291308.593384 seconds, fps = 25.000000
0 video frames recorded (0.000000 seconds)
0 audio frames recorded (0 audio buffers, 0.000000 seconds)
0 dropped video frames (fpscod=0.000000 fpscapt=0.000000)
0 dropped audio buffers (0.000000 seconds)
@@@@ No video frames recorded
Violación de segmento

Truco para TFT

Si usas XP, activa el ClearType, o el 'font aliasing' de X-Window para poder leer a gusto lo que tienes en pantalla.

nexTView Options

nexTView Options

Se trata de una aplicación que busca los canales y presenta la parilla supuestamente actualizada al momento.

Configuración similar a la mia para MythTV

PVR Hardware Database: "PVR Hardware Database
Name: CigyCyriac ( Home PVR ) PVR Software: Other ( Homebrew ) Rating: 9/10
OS: GNU/Linux ( SuSe )

PlacaCPUCPU TypeMemoryMemory TypeHardDriveHardDrive TypeTunerGFXAudio
VIAAMDDuron 800MHz512MBSDRAMMaxtor120GBWinTV GoATI Radeon 7000Soundblaster

Capture Size

CODEC Quality

Tuner Driver

GFX Driver

Audio Driver

Audio Settings





XFree86 4.0



Comments: Homebrew PVR put together using mp1e (for recording in MPEG1), mplayer (for playback), xmltv (for program schedules), at (for scheduling), mencoder (for conversion to MPEG4), Xdialog (for user interface), X10 remote and Perl.

Have it set up as a distributed system. My mainDuron 800MHz server serves as the backend and takes care of recording and scheduling. Although I can run the frontend user interface on it, I rarley do since it is not connected to a TV. A 300 MHz Pentium II in the living room is connected to the TV through an ATI Radeon 7000 and the user interface running on it is controlled thorugh an X10 RF remote. This machine accesses the recorded content on the server over NFS. An Athlon XP 1700 laptop in the bedroom is similiarly set up except for the TV-out.

User interface (through keyboard/mouse or X10 RF remote) allows watching Live TV, browsing program information, scheduling recordings, watching recorded shows. Editing of recordings (mainly for commercial removal) and conversion to MPEG4 (to conserve space) are done offline on the Duron server. The server also has a CD/DVD burner for archiving programs.

Software and user interface also allow browsing and playback of music (using xmms) and browsing and viewing of digital photos (using Compupic). TV programs can be browsed by channel, by catgeory or by a manullay entered 'Favorites' list.

MPEG1 recording is done at 2300Kbps at 336x240 resolution. Offline conv"

PVR Hardware Database : Welcome

PVR Hardware Database : Welcome

ETV Personal Video Recorder - Home

ETV Personal Video Recorder - Home

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