jueves, abril 28, 2005

MediaMonkey Free MP3 Jukebox Player, Music Library Organizer

MediaMonkey Free MP3 Jukebox Player, Music Library Organizer

miércoles, abril 27, 2005

The Debian KDE maintainers — Instalacion y paquetes KDE 3.4

The Debian KDE maintainers — Installation


jueves, abril 21, 2005

iPodder GUI on Linux (debian/sarge) mini-HOWTO

Nozell, rhymes with Oh Hell » Blog Archive » iPodder GUI on Linux (debian/sarge) mini-HOWTO

I’ve been using the ipodder beta on my laptop that runs GNU/Linux Debian/Sarge in the command line only mode. But over the holidays there was and update to wxpython that gets the GUI working.

This is what you need to do:

$ alien –to-deb ipodder-1.1.2-1cl.noarch.rpm
$ sudo dpkg -i ipodder_1.1.2-2_all.deb
$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.5.3-gtk2-unicode:$PYTHONPATH-unicode:$PYTHONPATH
$ /opt/iPodder/iPodderGui.py

ATI Linux driver packages for Debian

ATI Linux driver packages for Debian: "2.0. Remove NVidia stuff
Make sure you completely remove all NVidia driver stuff before proceeding. I've been told that you should use this command:

/usr/bin/nvidia-installer --uninstall

Of course, this is relevant only if you previously had tried to use a NVidia graphics card in your system."

martes, abril 19, 2005

XtremeSystems Forums - xp password

XtremeSystems Forums - xp password
Primera opcion
Click Start, click Run, and type control userpasswords2.
Clear the Users must enter a username and password to use this computer check box.
Click Apply.
Enter the user name and password you wish to automatically log on with, and then click OK.
Click OK again and you're all done

Segunda opcion

Get into the control panel, then user accounts. Within it should have an option to alter the way user(s) log in/out. I believe you should be able to go into that and delete the login password. Which would then do an auto login.

Unless you only use the admin, which isnt really needed, set up a blah account, with admin privvies, and just dont set a pass. System boots, goes straight into that account.

Tercera opcion

lunes, abril 18, 2005

Detalles de la descarga: Actualización de seguridad para Windows XP (KB835732)

Detalles de la descarga: Actualización de seguridad para Windows XP (KB835732)

Virus y Troyanos

Instrucciones para virus y troyanos

miércoles, abril 13, 2005

kualda.com - directorio de webs bittorrent, DuriE, exeem, p2m, bob

kualda.com - directorio de webs bittorrent, DuriE, exeem, p2m, bob

lunes, abril 11, 2005

mms/mp3 stream conversion

inside Habbie's mind: mms/mp3 stream conversion: "mms/mp3 stream conversion

This is short for my own convenience (I fixed this -just now- because it was needed -just now- and therefore it may not be the most elegant way).

Run these processes side by side on one machine, with blep.* being pipes (mkfifo):
lame -h blep.wav blep.mp3
mplayer -ao pcm -aofile blep.wav mms://blahblah/blah
tcpserver -v 0 11011 cat blep.mp3

On the listening machine: nc otherhost.blah.blah 11011 | mpg123 -"

BULMA: Dando vida a las teclas extra

BULMA: Dando vida a las teclas extra


viernes, abril 08, 2005

rc3.org | Making Firefox scream

rc3.org | Making Firefox scream

jueves, abril 07, 2005

rrdtool :: (freshmeat.net: Search results)

freshmeat.net: Search results - +rrdtool

BULMA: Abrir pestañas del firefox en KDE

BULMA: Abrir pestañas del firefox en KDE

CadenaSER.com - Los sonidos del 11M al 14M de 2004

Podremos escuchar o descargar y escuchar todo lo emitido en los dias de segun algunos "La revolucion".
CadenaSER.com - Los sonidos del 11M al 14M de 2004

martes, abril 05, 2005

Aplicaciones GTK en KDE

Guadalinex - Foros: "Conseguir que las aplicaciones GTK/Gnome tengan un aspecto igual o muy parecido a los de KDE, incluso en los iconos es ahora muy fácil.

Se consigue con el programa gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, para instalarlo tan sólo añade esta línea a tu archivo /etc/apt/sources.list


deb http://archive.kalyxo.org/ staging main

y después ejecuta como root

apt-get install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt

Ya por defecto funciona bien pero en el Centro de Control->Aspectos y Temas-> GTK Styles and fonts podrás ajustar algo los valores.

Aquí tienes un pantallazo de como quedan las Gimp y Xchat junto con el resto de KAplicaciones, uno casi ni las distingue"

¿Que puertos abrir para emule?

Which ports do I have to configure in a firewall or router to run aMule?

aMule works even with no specific ports opened, but you won't get a HighID in this case. As mentioned above, to be given a HighID, port 4662 TCP (or the one set in the Preferences) must be listening (i.e. opened in your firewall and forwarded in your router).
Apart from that port, to have an optimal ED2K experience, two more ports should be enabled as well. First, the UDP port 4672 (which can also be changed to any other number in the Preferences) and secondly, the secondary UDP port which can't be set in the Preferences. This UDP port is your TCP port + 3 (e.g.: TCP=4662 then UDP=4665).

lunes, abril 04, 2005

Extensión firefox :: Dictionary Search

Dictionary Search


Opciones recomendadas:
Despues de instalar tendremos las entradas "dictionarysearch" en el archivo Profiles/default.s2q/prefs.js las rellenamos con lo siguiente:

user_pref("dictionarysearch.accesskey1", "D");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.accesskey2", "W");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.accesskey3", "T");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.accesskey4", "R");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.menutext1", "Dictionary Search for \"$\"");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.menutext2", "Buscar en Wikipedia \"$\"");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.menutext3", "Traducir Ingles -> Español \"$\"");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.menutext4", "Buscar en RAE \"$\"");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.url1", "http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=$");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.url2", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=$&go=Go&sourceid=Mozilla-search");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.url3", "http://dictionary.cambridge.org/results.asp?searchword=$&dict=S");
user_pref("dictionarysearch.url4", "http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltGUIBusUsual?TIPO_BUS=1&LEMA=$");

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